NPD Group/NPD Techworld公布了截止到9月13日的全美畅销游戏排行榜,BF1942加强版Secret Weapons of WWII排行榜首:
1 Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts $22
2 EverQuest: Lost Dungeons Of Norrath Expansion Pack - Sony $26
3 MS Flight Simulator 2004: Century Of Flight - Microsoft $51
4 The Sims Deluxe - Electronic Arts $44
5 Battlefield 1942 - Electronic Arts $43
6 The Sims: Superstar Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts $30
7 Diablo 2 - Vivendi Universal Publishing $20
8 Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Expansion Pack - Vivendi Universal Publishing $36
9 MS Zoo Tycoon - Microsoft $20
10 The Sims: Unleashed Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts $28
另外NPD Group/NPDTechworld还公布了8月的全美Top 20畅销PC游戏:
1 Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Expansion Pack - Vivendi Universal Publishing $33
2 MS Flight Simulator 2004: Century Of Flight - Microsoft $52
3 The Sims: Superstar Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts $28
4 Madden NFL 2004 - Electronic Arts $37
5 The Sims Deluxe - Electronic Arts $43
6 Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided - LucasArts $48
7 Warcraft III: Reign Of Chaos - Vivendi Universal Publishing $39
8 MS Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection - Microsoft $28
9 MS Age Of Mythology - Microsoft $31
10 The Sims: Unleashed Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts $28
11 Diablo 2 - Vivendi Universal Publishing $20
12 Battlefield 1942 - Electronic Arts $47
13 Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 - Atari $29
14 Rise Of Nations - Microsoft $46
15 Neverwinter Nights: Shadows Of Undrentide Expansion Pack - Atari $28
16 Finding Nemo: Nemo's Underwater World Of Fun - THQ Inc $19
17 Finding Nemo - THQ Inc $19
18 Sim City 4 - Electronic Arts $41
19 Command & Conquer: Generals - Electronic Arts $47
20 MS Zoo Tycoon - Microsoft $24