NPD Group/NPDFunworld公布了2003年12月全美Top 20畅销PC游戏排行榜:
1 The Sims: Makin' Magic Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts $31
2 Call Of Duty - Activision $45
3 The Sims Double Deluxe - Electronic Arts $40
4 MS Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection - Microsoft $28
5 MS Flight Simulator 2004: Century Of Flight - Microsoft $49
6 The Sims: Superstar Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts $28
7 Neverwinter Nights: Hordes Of The Underdark Expansion Pack - Atari $29
8 MS Age Of Mythology - Microsoft $34
9 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic - LucasArts $46
10 The Sims Deluxe - Electronic Arts $20
11 The Sims: Unleashed Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts $28
12 Halo: Combat Evolved - Microsoft $45
13 Uru: Ages Beyond Myst - Ubisoft $48
14 Backyard Football 2004 - Atari $18
15 Backyard Basketball 2004 - Atari $19
16 The Sims: Vacation Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts $19
17 Sim City 4 Deluxe - Electronic Arts $39
18 Finding Nemo: Nemo's Underwater World Of Fun - THQ Inc $19
19 Barbie Horse Adventures: Mystery Ride - Vivendi Universal Publishing $29
20 Lord of the Rings: Return Of The King - Electronic Arts $39