NVIDIA回应Linux之父指责 称Linux很重要
  • 萧萧
  • 2012年06月20日 14:47
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几日前,Linux之父Linus Torvalds出席一个活动时毫不留情得批评了NVIDIA,称NVIDIA是最难伺候的硬件制造商之一,是他们接触过的最垃圾的公司。NVIDIA迄今没有针对Linux平台发布任何官方的Optimus支持。Linus还对NVDIA爆出了粗口,对着镜头竖起中指:“NVIDIA, Fxxk you.”

回顾完了我们接下来看看NVIDIA的反应。昨日,NVIDIA公关部门终于对此发表了公开评论。大意是说,“支持Linux对NVIDIA来说意义重大”,NVIDIA其实一直都致力于为跨平台包括Linux提供(私有)驱动,而且积极参与ARM Linux内核的开发和建设,如此云云,但是并没有提及Optimus未来是否会支持Linux平台,也没有别的什么实质性内容。

Linus Torvalds破口大骂NVIDIA:“Fuck You” Linus Torvalds态度强烈


Supporting Linux is important to NVIDIA, and we understand that there are people who are as passionate about Linux as an open source platform as we are passionate about delivering an awesome GPU experience.

Recently, there have been some questions raised about our lack of support for our Optimus notebook technology. When we launched our Optimus notebook technology, it was with support for Windows 7 only. The open source community rallied to work around this with support from the Bumblebee Open Source Project http://bumblebee-project.org/. And as a result, we've recently made Installer and readme changes in our R295 drivers that were designed to make interaction with Bumblebee easier.

While we understand that some people would prefer us to provide detailed documentation on all of our GPU internals, or be more active in Linux kernel community development discussions, we have made a decision to support Linux on our GPUs by leveraging NVIDIA common code, rather than the Linux common infrastructure. While this may not please everyone, it does allow us to provide the most consistent GPU experience to our customers, regardless of platform or operating system.

As a result:

1) Linux end users benefit from same-day support for new GPUs , OpenGL version and extension parity between NVIDIA Windows and NVIDIA Linux support, and OpenGL performance parity between NVIDIA Windows and NVIDIA Linux.

2) We support a wide variety of GPUs on Linux, including our latest GeForce, Quadro, and Tesla-class GPUs, for both desktop and notebook platforms. Our drivers for these platforms are updated regularly, with seven updates released so far this year for Linux alone. The latest Linux drivers can be downloaded from www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html.

3) We are a very active participant in the ARM Linux kernel. For the latest 3.4 ARM kernel – the next-gen kernel to be used on future Linux, Android, and Chrome distributions – NVIDIA ranks second in terms of total lines changed and fourth in terms of number of changesets for all employers or organizations.

At the end of the day, providing a consistent GPU experience across multiple platforms for all of our customers continues to be one of our key goals.


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