  • 阳夏
  • 2014年11月03日 16:23
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国外媒体Techinasia日前刊文《China’s Cheetah Mobile, best known for its utility apps, dives into hardware with smart air filter》(中国软件开发商猎豹移动投身硬件市场并推出空气净化器),介绍了猎豹移动最新推出的“豹米”空气净化器,原文如下:

Beijing’s Cheetah Mobile is best known for its utility apps, chief among them Clean Master, which removes unwanted files from one’s smartphones. But the company isn’t stopping at cleaning mobile devices – it’s bent on cleaning actual households, too. Yesterday Cheetah Mobile CEO Fu Sheng revealed a smart air filter for home use, marking the company’s first foray into hardware.

总部位于北京的猎豹移动公司以其开发的一系列工具类应用而闻名,其中最有名的猎豹清理大师(Clean Master)可以帮助用户清理手机上恼人的垃圾文件。而这家公司看来并不满足于仅仅帮助用户们清理移动设备上的垃圾,现在它已经推出了可以帮人们进行“真正的”家居清理的产品。就在昨天,猎豹移动的CEO傅盛向媒体公布了一款家用智能空气净化器,这也标志着这家公司首次涉足硬件行业。

The filter, known as baomi in Chinese, removes tiny particulate matter (PM) from the air. The device monitors the presence of PM 1.0, PM 2.5, and PM 10 – each figure represents the size of said particles in microns.

这款中文名为“豹米”的净化器可以吸走并清除空气中的细小颗粒物(PM),同时还可以监控空气中PM1.0,PM2.5,PM10的含量 -- 不同的数字代表所述颗粒的直径大小(微米)。


The device will go on sale in late November and will cost RMB 998 (about US$163). According to Fu, that’s well below the RMB 4000 (about US$650) that equivalent high-end filters would go for.



At a press event that Tech in Asia attended remotely, Fu explained how he conceived of the air filter at the beginning of this year, but couldn’t bring the product to fruition due to Cheetah’s then-upcoming IPO.

在Tech in Asia远程参加的媒体发布会中,傅盛解释了他是如何在今年年初构思这个空气净化器的。不过由于猎豹移动随后的精力都集中在年中赴美IPO的事宜上,因此开发生产自己的空气净化器的想法当时未能得以实现。

It’s not immediately clear how Cheetah’s air filter will play a role in the company’s business operations in the future. Fu says that the company will “definitely not rely on hardware” to earn money. When asked about the relationship between the air filter and Cheetah’s utility apps, Fu played it cute, noting the clean-up theme shared by the filter and Clean Master. “Smart home devices mark the first step in our effort to unite hardware and software. We don’t want to just remove the garbage from our users’ phones, we want to remove the garbage from the air they breathe.”


If Cheetah is looking to jump into the fledgling smart home industry, selling air filters to pollution-drenched Chinese consumers ought to be a great start. However, the space remains crowded, with foreign-made brands like IQAir and Blueair competing with a slew of Chinese startups that grace the pages of Demohour.




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