为了庆祝palmOne Treo 650智能手机英国发售,前世界文本输入速度冠军Arttu Harkki使用Treo 650的QWERTY键盘再次刷新世界记录。
芬兰的Arttu Harkki在2001年创造了文本快速输入吉尼斯世界记录。而这次,他使用Treo 650全尺寸QWERTY键盘在2分22.9秒内输入了以下文本:
“The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell (UK), who filed his patent for the telephone on 14 February 1876 at the New York Patent Office, USA. The first intelligible call occurred in March 1876 in Boston, Massachusetts, when Bell phoned his assistant in a nearby room and said 'Come here Watson, I want you.”
分析人员预测,到2008年40%的商业手机用户将使用手机发送Email。palmOne EMEA(欧洲、中东和非洲)分公司副总裁Francis Bornibus说, Treo 650手机中预设了许多ISP的设置,让用户可以更快更容易地撰写和发送Email。