国行三星Note 7独享6G内存?老外不淡定 他们如是说
  • 万南
  • 2016年08月07日 16:24
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刚刚发布的Galaxy Note 7再次惊艳了世界,三星在S6/Note 5/S7的基础上加入双曲屏、虹膜识别、大猩猩5代玻璃、新的系统UI等元素,被赞“安卓全场最佳”。

国行三星Note 7独享6G内存?老外不淡定 他们如是说

不过,在外界总结的5大遗憾中,“未使用骁龙821和6GB RAM”被提及。但很快,国行N9300在工信部的入网备案信息做了变动,新增“RAM 6GB+ROM 128GB”版本

国行三星Note 7独享6G内存?老外不淡定 他们如是说

这样看来,国行很有可能会独享最强版本的Note 7,这一消息瞬间飞跃到大洋彼岸。

SamMobile的报道“China could get a Galaxy Note 7 with 6GB of RAM and 128GB storage”出炉后引发了网友热议,来看看他们怎说——

MATTP9222:They need bigger specs over there to compensate for a lack of…(他们中国用户需要强大的配置去补偿某种缺失……

HEATNATION:4 gigs of RAM is more than enough for the Note7 or any phone. Any phone that has 6gigs in this day and age is just a marketing ploy.(Note 7的4G RAM完全够用,现今任何手机上6G都是市场策略,仅此而已

THESPARDA:Samsung is selective in releasing phones when customers complain to them about stuff and lawsuits are concerned? Chinese consumers complain about bloatware, and they removed the bloatware……and chinese phone makers put 6 GB RAM in their phones, and to give them a good impression……Where is the consistency, sammy? (三星典型软柿子,去年中国那边将预装软件的事儿闹大,他们果然选择妥协,乖乖卸载。现在中国手机很多都上6G,用户刚一吐槽,三星妥妥就范?我就问一句,公平何在?)

MACCYB:As an experienced Linux/Unix programmer I can tell you that 6gb of ram on a smartphone is an unnecessary waste as it won’t be used and will drain battery more。 I am sure that the next iPhone with only 2 or 3gb of ram will run faster than badly made Chinese phones with 6gb on board (of which the device can only physically use 3gb at most).(作为Linux/Unix开发者,据我所知,6GB就是浪费,而且还偷电。我很肯定的说,iPhone 7依然是2GB或3GB RAM,但绝对比中国的6GB手机还流畅)。

国行三星Note 7独享6G内存?老外不淡定 他们如是说


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