NPD 更新了新一轮的统计报告,Harry Potter 借助同名电影的声势抢到了第一。(抢一?:D ), MoH: AA 的资料片Spearhead夺得了第六把交椅,其余的游戏位置变化不大,模拟类游戏仍然唱着主旋律:
1. Harry Potter & Chamber of Secrets
2. The Sims: Unleashed Expansion
3. The Sims Deluxe
4. Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
5. Backyard Hockey
6. Medal of Honor: AA Spearhead
7. Zoo Tycoon
8. Age of Mythology
9. Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania Expansion
10.The Sims: Vacation Expansion