微软刚才已经正式发布DirectX 9.0正式版,版本号4.09.0000.0900,用户可以下载一个联网安装的Setup文件进行安装,下载地址:
微软对正式版DirectX 9的描述:
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP
DirectX 9.0 End-User Runtime setup minimizes the download size but requires an internet connection during setup. The DirectX 9.0 Redist is available for download for those users that do not have an internet connection available during installation or Setup has trouble connecting to the Microsoft server.
The DirectX 9.0 runtime cannot be uninstalled. We recommend Windows Millennium and XP users create a “System Restore” point before installing. For information on creating a restore point, please refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:
Windows Millennium Edition: Microsoft Knowledge Base article 267951.
Windows XP: Microsoft Knowledge Base article 310405.