;; Console (XBox360, PS3) specific settings
;; StreamingDynamicFloatingLimit: ;; If this is a positive number, then instead of using the fixed per-level ;; limits, the StreamingDynamic resource will use as much memory as is ;; available as long as the total memory allocated by the game is less than ;; the specified number. In other words, StreamingDynamic will grow and ;; shrink to fit to the available memory instead of being locked to a fixed ;; budget StreamingDynamicFloatingLimit=500
此文件位于Program Files/2k Game/Bioshockdemo/Content/目录下,文件名是config.ini,用记事本打开就能发现这段文字。
另外,一张16:9的宽屏和4:3普屏的对比图在2K Games的官方论坛掀起一场轩然大波: